Drone Bees (12+ years)

Our Drone Bee class is for children 12 years and older. This self-contained class will study the subjects listed below, in addition to a combined PE block with the Mason and Dawson Bees (see the Frequently Asked Questions Page for the planned schedule).

These subjects are planned for the Fall semester:

Kingdoms and Classifications: This class will study cells, living organisms and taxonomy. Lessons will include experiments, activities, journaling, and dissection. We will be completing and extending lessons from The Good and the Beautiful Science: Kingdoms and Classifications. 

Unveiling Governance Realities: A Current Events Exploration for Critical Thinkers. This learning experience will empower students to comprehend the various types of government through the lens of current events. Our hope is to foster critical thinking skills while staying informed about the latest developments in the political realm.  Our goal is to: incorporate class discussions; analyze current news articles and videos; group activities and case study examinations.

These subjects are planned for the Spring semester:

The Mysteries History Holds: We will be doing some detective work to analyze some of history’s most intriguing mysteries. The lost colony of Roanoke, the Bermuda Triangle, and the Alcatraz escape are just a few of the topics we will study in this Campfires Curriculum unit. These engaging lessons include various extensions in art, science, language arts, and geography. 

Cultivating Life Skills Through Floriculture: A Holistic Learning Experience. This course combines essential life skills with the creative elements of floriculture. Our goal is to: role-play by using real world scenarios; get hands-on practice in basic floral arrangements; get hands-on practice with daily life scenarios.